Category: SEO

  • Is HTML language case sensitive?

    In short, no. HTML can be written in any form of casing you want. HTML markup should be written in lowercase as a rule of thumb. XML requires you to use lowercase or errors will be generate

  • what is SGML and how it related to website design

    Short for Standard Generalized Markup Language, a system for organizing and tagging elements of a document. SGML was developed and standardized by the International Organization for Standards (ISO) in 1986. SGML itself does not specify any particular formatting; rather, it specifies the rules for tagging elements. These tags can then be interpreted to format elements…

  • if you’ve done 6 months of SEO for a site and yet there haven’t been any improvements

    Q:if you’ve done 6 months of SEO for a site and yet there haven’t been any improvements, how would you go about diagnosing the problem Brand new domain with no domain authority yet? 6 Months for a competetive term? Site black listed? Site has errors on it and can’t be crawled (robots.txt file sitemap.xml file…

  • what is Domain Age? Is this play any role in SEO

    Domain age is the total age of your domain, it counts at the date of registraion of your domain name, and SEO will give priority to old domain Domain age means how old your site is actually on internet and yup it definitely has a positive impact on SEO field as well.

  • Some Most Common SEO activities that you have experienced with

    Is there an SEO activity that is more important than all the others? Is it link building? Social networking? Writing meta tags? Keyword research? Looking over analytics reports? Actually, it’s none of those. The most important SEO activity that you can perform at any time is content creation. That’s right. As simple as it sounds, content creation…

  • Can we track keyword from which we get maximum ROI

    I don’t want to pick on details, but you say “- lowering the bid may result in a lower ad position which may lead to less clicks and therefore a lower overall ROI”. I don’t think that’s correct, because if they don’t click, you don’t spend money. In other words: if there’s no investment, you…