Tag: sharif

  • Load Shedding Solution

    Various reports have appeared in the media recently quoting sources in the Alternative Energy Development Board that Pakistan can generate hundreds of thousands of MW of electricity by using wind turbines. Also, the potential of the Gharo corridor has been stated to be around 30,000 MW. This is perhaps excellent news for Pakistan’s energy sector,…

  • Three more died of Dengue in Lahore

    One girl died in Lahore on Friday, dengue fever withdengue virus appears to be beyond the control of health authorities and the government,PakistanGeoNews Reported. The deceased, 18-year-old Kajal was a resident of Qurban Line, was admitted to Services Hospital Lahore after being tested positive with dengue. A, 32-year-old Memona, passed away in Fauji Foundation Hospital where she was…