Google Doodle (Logo) for 14 August

Google one of the largest public limited companies of the world and the GOD Father of Internet. Everyone likes Google and its services as they are much better than other search engines and Internet companies like Yahoo and Microsoft. Google Inc is a public limited company and it displays interesting  and beautiful Logos on several events. Those Google Logos are known as Google Doodle.

Google one of the largest public limited companies of the world and the GOD Father of Internet. Everyone likes Google and its services as they are much better than other search engines and Internet companies like Yahoo and Microsoft. Google Inc is a public limited company and it displays interesting  and beautiful Logos on several events. Those Google Logos are known as Google Doodle.

Every year Google celebrates several occasions with a dedicated logos but Google never celebrated Happy Ramadan, Eid Mubarak to the Muslim community around the world or Independence Day Greetings for Pakistanis. There are millions of Users from Pakistan and Google has also given a dedicated domain for Pakistan supporting Urdu Language, but Google never showed its affection towards Pakistan (rather than its flood relief campaign) in their Logos (Google Doodle) and not even for Billions of Muslim Internet Users.


Google is a public limited company with billions of Muslim users and hundreds of Muslim employees. If Google can display dedicated logos for Christmas, St. Patrick’s day, St.George day etc events then Muslims should also be greeted by Google Doodles.


Its Independence Day of Pakistan and Google did not wish Pakistanis by Google Doodle even on its Pakistani Domain

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