Mastung martyrs laid to rest

QUETTA – People who were killed yesterday in the tragic target killing incident in Mastung were laid to rest in the provincial capital amid tears and sobs of grief on Wednesday.
Balochistan cities, especially Quetta, were drenched in grief and mourning over the killings and all business centers remained closed. Women took to the streets to protest against the gory incident. The protesters, including the Hazara community members, raised slogans against the government, demanding Balochistan Chief Minister Nawab Aslam Raisani to resign from his office forthwith, as according to them, he was responsible for the incident.
Protesters also demanded United Nations to take urgent notice of the incident, as the government did nothing substantial in this connection.
The ill-fated passenger bus was carrying pilgrims to Iran’s border area of Taftan, when it was attacked from two sides by motorcyclist gunmen. As a result, over two dozen men died on the spot and several others were injured.

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